Niacin And It’s Detoxing Effects

Niacin And It’s Detoxing Effects


I’ve been taking niacin for nearly two months…

I’ve been taking niacin for nearly two months now (as of Mid-February 2014) and wow what a change I have noticed since I have started to take it. Since I have started to take Niacin I’ve noticed a few odd, weird and uncommon side effects. Having been a researcher of alternate history, geo/exo-politics, conspiracy theories and suppressed alternate inventions/alternate health I was not surprised to find out – Without due coincidence some of Niacins more helpful effects to the human organism in particular from the highly alternate website known as

I have come to learn how Niacin along with the 12 essential mineral salts (relating to the twelve primary archetypes of your inner-astrology/astrotheology) has been used in alternate medical practices in order to help restore human energy systems and biotypes… Re: There are three main bio-types explored in Physical education for children, they are the Ectomorph, Mesomorph and the Endomorph and are extentionally expressed as five distinct body types in the book How to Analyze People on Sight by Elsie & Ralph Paine Benedict.

Nonetheless, I and everyone who has tried Niacin, regardless of body type has reacted to it. Personally, I love the rush and body flush which niacin (Vitamin B3) gives to me when I take it. Having been a vitamin junkie now for the last 12 months, I have to say that it is great to be taking niacin again and again, each morning into the day in order to help flush my system of toxins.


A bit of history into my Niacin use…

When I first took niacin I was 25 and at a friend’s house who was in law enforcement. I was house-sitting for him while he was on assignment and one morning when he was in town, he woke me up early, about 5am (at the time when I would wake up at 10am sometimes 12pm in my pre-postie life) and asked me if I wanted to go for a run with him. It was midwinter, 5 degrees Celsius outside, I had no running shoes, no running gear and I had not moved out of the house I was minding in 6 weeks except to go for shopping and to write one of my novels (Yes, sadly I was a hermit).

“WTF?” I told, rather than asked him getting up and to my feet.
One of these days Daniel” my friend said, “You’re going to be fitter than I am, I swear”

I smiled as I looked at him and thought that I would humor him, and so I asked where my clothes were. Holding a pair of his own boxer shorts in his hand he said, “these” and then went into the other room and changed to wearing nothing but another pair of his own boxer shorts.

I laughed and said out aloud “why not” and got a pair of my own boxers, wearing nothing else except a pair of running shoes which were thrown at me from his direction. It was then that my friend gave me some niacin and said, “here take this” and I asked him what it was and he said, “Niacin, it will take 25 minutes to kick in but will give you a blast”.

And I did take the Niacin as we both stepped outside of his house, into the then pitch black dark morning, with nothing more than both our boxer shorts and our running shoes on.


We were off running… And I was freezing cold instantly. We were both laughing but shivering while we were starting to move, I exchanged words with my friend, strong swear words of agitation but we kept going nonetheless. It was really difficult to move our bodies due to the cold, but it was perhaps harder for me back then since I had a sedentary lifestyle, but soon enough I started to warm up… And when I say that I warmed up, I mean that I really started to warm up.

I soon started to feel like I was burning up and that I was rapidly becoming a full furnace of red hot searing heat and that this heat was blowing all over me. But this heat became better and better as my whole body began to burn up and as it did so I looked down at both my arms and my legs, only to notice that they were bright, blood red, my legs were red too about half the tone of a beetroot…

“My God I exclaimed” in shock and breathing heavily (I was quite unfit then) as I looked over at my friend and saw that he was just as red as me.

Smiling he said to me a deeply exhaled breath “Good stuff huh?”

“Yeah”, I said as we both continued to run for the next 45 minutes and then took our turns in showering.

Fast forward…

Fast forward to the present and it’s 5am, I wake up and go to work, I take my morning Modafinl, Q10, Lipoic Acid, whey protein and banana smoothie shake and of course my niacin as I catch a train to work. 30-40 minutes later and I am at work sorting my mail as I begin to burn up and become red due to the effect of the niacin. I’m getting that usual body flush, the same as the first time I took it with my friend and I am noticing that I am heating up. The heater is on me and my body is detoxing… That’s what vitamin B3 or niacin does to me.

Niacin Detoxes your-body…

The effect of Niacin is to detox your body, it opens the blood capillaries in your skin and causes you to have a red flush. The effect is purely thermagetic and is designed to break down fat (No wonder people go to me – “Dan, you’ve lost weight”), release toxins and causes your lymph nodes to flush themselves.

I find it interesting that most people are Niacin deficient (the same goes with Q-10, vitamin D3, Chromium and yes Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid). The body uses its tryptophan reserves (A precursor to Serotonin and Acetylcholine) to convert over to Niacin a Thousand to one in ratio. Such a conversion gets me wondering why most people have trouble thinking, staying awake, keeping their energy up and of course remaining focused on important tasks at hand. Perhaps they suffer these symptoms of exhaustion and lack of focus because they are low in Tryptophan reserves and of course because they may also be low in niacin.

Like most of the vitamin B groups, B3/Niacin when low causes the human nervous system to function incorrectly and at a less than peak state. This is why researchers such as Abram Hoffer have praised Niacin’s effects so highly… And while Hoffer rants about niacin and how it has restored his youth and vitality, I am more conservative.

I believe that Niacin is an important part of your biochemistry and that if you want to feel good, want to function the best that you too should give it a chance in your disposable income. Like most Nootropics, cognitive enhancers/protectors and health supplements – Once you start to take it and notice it’s effects in your life, you will never ever want to go back.

Until our next post,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Saturday 15th of February 2014.

Nootropics – Piracetam and Choline Part 2…

Nootropics – Piracetam and Choline Part 2…

What I got after personally taking Piracetam and choline for 6 months.


Having taken Piraceam and Choline now for the last 6 months, what I have found is that the use of each has increased my memory. Before taking them, I was only able to focus on 4-5 objects or “things” in my working, short term and long term memory. Retrieving information from my memory was a struggle and I noticed that my ability to access and store my memories was somewhat challenging and hard.  I have found that even at my advanced age of 26 still having trouble at times remembering where I put the house or car keys…


But I have since found that my attention to detail has improved. Not just in the finer context of a social situation, but also in my ability to achieve some form of dynamic and systematic pattern recognition. For instance I can better see at times, when I am delivering mail as a postman – The wind blow and when it blows I see and hear the trees glisten, whistle and move around me, causing some leaves to fall down to the ground. As the leaves do so, I can see the multiple shades of color that they bring and watch how they move all together in a motion of a symphony…

Does that sound like I am high on Piracetam? Maybe, but if I’m high on Piracetam and Choline, then I’m also lucid at the same time with my increased ability to concentrate.


Let’s be honest here, as a writer who has overcome a major learning and social disability in his youth, by focusing on his development alongside Nootropics – I admit that it has not always been easy for me to concentrate, communicate and make levelheaded and accurate conclusions in both my writing and my socialisation. Yet with Piracetam and Choline my ability to be increasingly cognizant has been noticably increased both in myself and in others.

I will never go back to where I was before taking these supplements as a 26 year old man.

What I once found challenging, I find no more and no longer. I am now allowed to better cope with and mature in my mental and cognitive abilities. I have matured to the point that I will never go back to where I was before taking these supplements as a 26 year old man.

My intelligence too has increased on Piracetam. I am unsure if this intelligence increase is however, due to other nootropics and cognitive enhancers that I want to write more about soon – Such as Nicotine, Modafinl, B-Vitamins and Methylphenidate… Perhaps it is a combination of each, but I do know that I think a hell of a lot clearer, make faster decisions and and solve problems one hell of a lot easier after taking Piracetam than what I did before consuming it.

Piracetam and Choline has also led me to becoming more motivated!

This above combination, which I am sure I will attribute to the Piracetam and Choline has also led me to becoming more motivated. As I have said in other posts on creating quick and fast income – I have had businesses in the past, but have lost them due to the “controlled crashing” of the financial markets in 2008. Piracetam mixed with choline has made me more motivated, more alpha, more dominant… I feel that it is Piracetam and Choline which has allowed me to get back on my feet finally… That matters most to me!

Self doubts expressed…

But then again, could this all be placebo. Could it be just the Ritalin/Methylphenidate and the Modafinil which I take? Could Piracetam and similar Racetam-Choline admixtures be doing nothing? Who knows, but one thing I do know is that I am not the same person who started to take them 6 months ago… And even if I get a minor improvement, a minor edge on life, my intelligence and sense of well-being through this mixture – Then I will continue to take it!

I recommend you give it a go…

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Saturday 4th of December 2013.

Nootropics – Piracetam and Choline Part 1…

Nootropics – Piracetam and Choline Part 1…

How to upgrade your brain.


I’ve been taking two Nootropics and cognitive enhancers called Piracetam and Choline for over 6 months now and what I have noticed is a sizable change in my ability to remember and use my memory, pay attention to what is going on around me and in social conversations, to be able to concentrate on advanced tasks at work and also write, increase my intelligence and find new and novel ways to solve problems. Finally, if not most importantly – I have had my motivation for life and the events that life brings in the world around me… All of this from taking Piracetam and Choline

And I do find it curious, that I was going to write a book on cognitive enhances and Nootropics at the beginning of this year (2013) and that, prior to this blog… Events in life happened where I could not write or further publish my empirical findings and experiences on these Nootropics because of my Personal Development moving me into financial education, health and my development as a man in forming relationships.

Considering now that I am starting to work out the more complex and interesting areas of my life, I have allowed life to bring me back to writing on Nootropics in his blog and what I have found is that while I will still be releasing a book on cognitive enhancers and Nootropics – The only difference will be that most of the information in this book, will be a modified version of what is written down here in this blog and the articles it contains in an edited and condensed fashion.

Considering that this is the case, I felt it pertinent for disclosures sake that I admit here that I have no medical degree. What I write here is my own opinion on what Piracetam and Choline have done for me. I also realize that what may work for me may not work for you and this is why I advise that you talk with your medical practitioner, naturopath or similar professional and work out a plan for the administration of this drug if you wish to try it.

The pharmacology of Piracetam and Choline!!!

Piracetam is a drug that…
Choline is a drug that…

* Increases Memory
* Increases Attention
* Increases Concentration
* Increases Intelligence
* Increases Motivation

But what about the pharmacology of Piracetam and Choline – How do they work?

Because I’m lazy, I went to this Wikipedia ( page and I found the following:

“Piracetam (sold under many brand names) is a Nootropic in the racetams group… A two-week regimen of Piracetam was reported in 1976 to enhance verbal memory in healthy college students in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study… Piracetam appeared in animal studies to have increased communication between the two hemispheres of the brain and increased activity of the corpus callosum.”


“Piracetam increases performance on a variety of cognitive tasks… may reflect its enhancement of cross-hemispheric communication and of cognitive function in general, rather than a specific improvement … Piracetam also seems to inhibit brain damage caused by a variety of factors”

When looking into the effects of Choline, this Wikipedia article says the following:

“Choline is a water-soluble essential nutrient. It is usually grouped within the B-complex vitamins. Choline is the precursor molecule for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is involved in many functions including memory and muscle control.”


“Choline must be consumed through the diet for the body to remain healthy… Choline supplements are often taken as a form of ‘smart drug’ or Nootropic, due to the role the neurotransmitter acetylcholine plays in various cognition systems within the brain. Choline is a chemical precursor or “building block” needed to produce acetylcholine, and research suggests that memory, intelligence, and mood are mediated at least in part by acetylcholine metabolism in the brain.”

Having known now the basic pharmacology and benefits of both Piracetam and Choline, in the next post we will explore the personal benefits I have derived from taking both Nootropics on a constant base for just over 6 months.

Until then,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Monday 30th of December 2013.

Health wellness and well-being!

Health wellness and well-being!

  How to Increase these Values in your Life!

For the next few weeks, I will be blogging on five major topics which will focus on health and wellness. The goal in focus for each of these topics will be to help you to increase your own health and the health of others. By doing this you are able to further increase your productivity and your daily activities in your life while avoiding that horrible word “Fatigue”.

Other than fatigue, there is also the need to increase intelligence, the intention of leading a productive life and working on your motivation. By increasing your health in these areas, you are also helping to increase the health of other people in the world around you.

This is why I have a focused intention on health, wealth and intelligence because, if I am able to help you feel better, more healthy, become more wealthy and more intelligent in your life – Then I have done my job as a man. As a man, I have the goal to help you have an increase in health in all areas of your life and this is why I have made it my job to equip you with more skills, which are aimed at enriching who and what you are. Enriching who you and I both are is one of the key reasons why I have written and will continue to write this blog, because I believe in you leading a real life… The type of life which is in constant development.

By leading a real life, the type of life which is in constant development – Then what you are doing is that you are learning to create value, the type of value which you can invest in yourself and in others which will lead you to becoming an influential personality.  By becoming an influential personality you further create value for others and everyone which you meet and these values for me underline and come from the following five main areas of your life, which if you improve on them will increase your health and your wealth.

These five values are:

1. Learning about Juicing & Nutrition.

– How one or more juices a day.. Helps keep the sickness away.

— That’s right Jucing is one of the five main areas which we will be discussing this week in relationship to increasing your health.

– Raw food diets…

— What are the different types of raw food diets?

— How can people such as Vegans, Frutarians and those on a raw meat / Paleo diet each claim their fame to health?

2. Detoxing.

– How and why does Detoxing work?
— How does bathing and drinking in Bicarbonate soda have a direct effect on your body.
— Why and how does juicing effect the health of your body?
— What does a portable infrared Sauna have to do with detoxing?
— Chlorophyll – What is Chlorophyll and how does it affect your bodies ability to detox?

3. Vitamins & Minerals.

– What are vitamins and minerals?
— What do Multivitamins do exactly?
— Vitamin C – Is Vitamin C expensive Urine?
— Garlic what does Garlic do to assist your system and ability to detox?
— Protein powder – It’s not just for athletes, in fact protein powder can help those who lead busy lives gain back more nutrients and energy in what they need in the development of their lifestyle.

4. Nootropics & Intelligence.

– What are Nootropics?
— 5htp and what is it?
— Modafinil and the ability to be super human.
— Piracetam + Choline – What are they and how do they increase your intelligence
— Ritalin – How does a stimulant and ADD/HD medication affect your ability to be more intelligent?

5. And finally a good mindset or attitude.

— What is a good mindset; and what is positive thinking?
— Education; the best education you can have is one where you aim to understand and look after your own and another’s mental health.
— How reading one good book a week can help starve off depression and aid in the quality and improvement of your life.

The last point about having a good mindset or attitude is the most important in relationship to increasing your stae of health. I believe this because, if you want to make any significant changes in your life – Then you are going to need to have a good mindset and attitude. A good mindset and attitude will help you achieve what it is that you want – Assuming that you want it.

What is it that you want to do with your health?

Do you want to feel better, younger, fitter, stronger, more energetic, more focused, more on the job and on the ball? How about being more motivated, driven, more goal orientated and there for your family? This is why I will be discussing each of these five areas over the upcoming weeks and how these relate to enhancing your health.

We will be starting with Jucing tomorrow,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Monday 11th of November 2013