Defining your Self-Image – Part Two – Walking in Order to Have Swag.

Defining your Self-Image – Part Two – Walking in Order to Have Swag.




Swag is the type of lifestyle I like to lead. I love to walk around and show off my figure my form. Perhaps not the way a woman or model of clothing would like to, still I love to walk around and have that certain special bounce in my step.

That special bounce

I love to have a bounce in my step, I like to walk around and say with my body to the world “hey I’m special” and what’s more, in my attitude towards the world I like to say with my body “hey, you’re special too”. I do this with the way I walk and the way I dress because I believe in game theory and I think that sociological, let alone academic social-psychological concepts can and do have real-world groundings. The same goes with applied ritual magick and this is why I dress up.

I dress up because I believe that dressing up has applied Ritual-Magickal value. I also believe through the concepts of NLP and sympathetic magick that the way I dress can influence the world around me. With the sociological concepts of Georg Simmel and Symbolic Interactionism and the applied use of agency. Through the applied use of agency I can and do modify the structure of my environment, my ecology and thus the sociological structure of the world around me.

I do not deny the sociopolitical and psychopolitics of dressing up as well. I am constantly studying, sometimes modelling world leaders and how they dress and act. These people, aside from their psychopathic tendencies also tend to have swag  – else other people have taught them this swag… Which I don’t doubt, considering the amount of political aids (‘Henry Kissinger’ for instance), NLP trainers, life coaches, astrologers and PR manages which surround them.

But… What is Swag exactly?

I define Swag as as a lifestyle. The way I would define the lifestyle of an ethical seducerer (Frank B. Kermit, cassanova), A homosexual or Jew living in a homosexual or Jewish community or say a Paleolithic/vegan dieter. Lifestyle and swag are intimate lovers and are exclusive in their socio-sexual approaches to the world.

Swag for me is a way of moving your physiology, training your Vestibular System and learning to move in a new, particularly novel way.

I learned to walk with swag a few years ago when I was in a Network Marketing group and where I had to learn sales in order to approach other people so that I could prospect them.

What I would do is that I would go out into crowds and have a particular bounce in my step, this bounce was:

Exercise 1 – Learn to skip and hop around… Get that bounce back in your step

What I would do was that I would learn to have a certain special hop or bounce in my step which enabled me to draw the attention away from others and place it in my court. I would, in effect imagine that I could be a dancer like Michael Jackson or Brian Boitano the ice skater.

This is called creating a frame or framing in NLP and I would create a frame that I was someone who was both used to attention of others and also that I could maintain this attention by being unique. Creating a bounce in your step is all about being unique and this is why I advise that as a true individual you need to be unique and socially educated, not just an academic.

Exercise 2 – Learn to walk and as you walk, learn to straighten up your walk

When I was doing the Advanced Master Practitioner (Or Graduate course) of NLP Part 1 I learned how to change my walk and my walking posture using NLP. What I would do in these activities was to learn how to walk around modelling different people and their walking styles, all the while I would learn how this modelling would change my posture and the feelings about who I was, what I now am and who I was becoming.

This combined with the use of timelines and timeline therapy was an excellent way to learn how to change my walk and ultimately to straighten it out. Once I learned how to straighten my walk, I would then go into an explicit non-verbal state of anchoring and this anchor would then lock this straight walk deeply into my physiology and body language.

Exercise 3 – Expressing Ecstatic Body Language

The seduction guru Ross Jeffries taught me this technique in his Psychic Influence tape recorded in the middle of the year 2000. In order to do this technique, what you have to do is focus your energy or chi in the center of your body and put your hands into a prayer Stance.

Then containing your energies you thrust and rapidly move out this energy by going “yah” or “YEAH” in a loud manner. This stretches your Aura out but also increases your vital energy.

A good series of products in order to help you get started on the art of swag is to look up and purchase the work of Jewish anatomist and movement specialist Moche Feldenkrais. The use of Feldenkrais has helped me to get into a deeper expression of ecstatic body language and has allowed me to better move and influence other people around me.

Talking about influencing people around me – The next post is on creating Circles of Excellence.

Until then,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty on Sunday the 11th of May 2014.

Knowing That You Are Capable Part 6 – Demonstrating That You Are A Person of Quality!

Knowing That You Are Capable Part 6 – Demonstrating That You Are A Person of Quality!


In life we have expectations about how things should be, how they are and how they should operate. To operate in life mean to take control of your life circumstances and embrace who you were born to be, to embrace your destiny and become more than you think you are. I have come from nothing – I will too go to nothing – Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Yet I have a passion and have had a passion to change my life time and time again. Each time that I have changed, I have almost gone through an alchemical process which has burned the person away that I was and created a new personality in the process.

Stead fast as I have been I have had to learn about alchemical principles and how they relate to the human personality. The term Solve et coagula comes to my mind here and this is the term used in Latin-alchemy to describe the separation of parts of the philosophers stone or human life force, chi and substance in order to refine and further refine it. Like in alchemy, each and every time that I have hard to refine my life, I have had to become a person of quality. But what does it mean to be a person of quality? I have five main principles in this article that for me, define a person of quality.

The first is to understand yourself and others and how to act appropriately around them. Understanding the process of how to act appropriately around others first came to me when I was undertaking my degree in psychology. When studying this degree, I had to learn how to become an ethical person – The type of person who would respect others in my relationship to them as human beings.

Being ethical means knowing when to act and meet peoples emotional needs. For instance making sure that people feel safe, knowing how to protect their secrets and he long them feel that you will tell them the truth. Unfortunately however I discovered this process in my life a little too late and this cost me. Few relationships and friendships. But I learned!

I learned and I started to understand others through my mistakes and this understanding of my mistakes and how to better treat others led me to become a person of quality.

When you learn you become a person of quality.

I learned that in order to improve the circumstances of your life – you must at first make mistakes and learn from these mistakes. No one ever succeeds or has any personal success in life until they learn from their mistakes and either attempt to fix the mistakes that they have made – and to also learn from them. At that point you achieve understanding.

When you understand you become a person of quality.

When you understand yourself and others and how each of us are prone to making mistakes then you start to become a person of quality because you begin to understand that you yourself and other human beings are fallible.

Each of us is fallible. We make mistakes… But our mistakes are our gifts, they give us an opportunity to learn and to strive for something higher. I understand now that it is not the results of what we want – rather the striving towards what we want and then achieving it which is more important. Having an understanding of our circumstances makes us who we are, it makes us more pure in our intent and helps us to keep secrets which others invest in us a a form of trust.

When you know secrets and are able to keep them – you become a person of quality.

People over the years have told me many secrets in their lives. On their journey to self discovery and on their journey to becoming a person of quality and of value they have had to tell me secrets. I have done the same. These secrets were given to me out of trust and it is this trust which I cherish.

To have someone trust you with their heart and their soul. To have them show you how vulnerable a human being can be and to protect and cradle this vulnerability perhaps is one of the most special things I have had to aspire towards in my life. I learned that when people told me secrets and that I could keep these secrets that I became a person of value and that this person of value knew that sometimes while secrets can be kept – sometimes the demands of these secrets have forced me to let people go.

When you learn to let things go – you become a person on quality.

Some people have to be let go of and some people have to let go of you. If the duality and nuances of life are to be understood, then they must be understood in the processes of meeting people at the right time and knowing when to let go of them at the right time.

Sometimes however, there is never a right time to let certain people go – it must be done. It is perhaps sometimes the people with whom you love so much that need to be let go of the hardest, because of all the value they have provided but now due to circumstances in life must be let go of. Sometimes when people let go of us, they do so because they don’t want to hold us back and because they love us. These people are special people and sometimes we will never know their true intents until we develop the life strategies to heal.

When you develop life strategies to heal – you become a person of quality.

Life strategies are what define value. Value which can be expressed in money, resources, acquisition, survival, knowledge and games.  Each of these life strategies provide value and they provide quality both to ourselves and other more social members of our human species. The latter of these in particular knowledge and games provide us a certain amount of time to heal and change the course of our lives so that we can become better people.

Knowledge of how to heal yourself and others, not just in the psychological and biomedical sciences – Means that each of us, perhaps through a social understanding of ourselves and one another can and often does lead to healing. Knowledge of class, caste, race, ethnicity, time and generation can help us understand where we are lacking in our lives and thus begin to heal.

Games allow us to socially interact with one another and form strategies be they social-sexual, logical-dexterous or similar so that we can play games which allow the more robust and better calibrated qualities to come out in each of us. Healing can only come about when we decide to change games which have not been serving us or others such as war, aggression or abuse. When we understand that certain games have not been helping us or one another we can change these negative games to service, love and compassion.

These latter qualities make us more qualified to distribute value to others and thus help them heal. The wounded then becomes the healer and all things healthy and good then follow.

This is why I think each of us need to have a Real Life Development.

Count. Daniel John Fogarty on Saturday the 3rd of May 2014.

Knowing That You Are Capable Part 4 – Controlling and Expressing our Anger.

Knowing That You Are Capable Part 4 – Controlling and Expressing our Anger.

Angry Man

I have anger management issues, you have anger management issues. We all feel and know that deep inside of us, at many different times in our lives – We have suffered from, enacted and repressed our anger.

Let me give you a personal example!

A few weeks ago I went out to have a few drinks with a few of my younger friends who, had what society would class anger management issues. He was frustrated with his life and had and has had big dreams for himself and he felt that some of his peers around him were letting him down. Being let down is a cause for much anger, especially for those of us who want to dream.

When I listened to my friend talk and tell me of how he felt, he went from being angry to rather sad. After much conversation I realized that anger, particularly in young men is a normal reaction to being held back from what it is that we want. We want to be capable young men who are achieving something for ourselves and putting a title of success next to our name, whilst building up important social circles and relationships around each of us.

But how we expect any of this to happen when we feel that we are being repressed and attacked by a society who fails to understand and better yet know who we really are? After talking with them some more, I told two individuals in particular that as men and as they age – That they would find their anger fade away and if appropriately focused would replace what they feel about the world around them with passion.

This passion comes from feeling both angry but also allowing each of us, especially as men to feel love combine with our anger and transform its destructive outcome to a more constructive one. This new emotion of passion would, I told them help them to drive them to do great things in the world around them. An audio mentor once said this to me and I remember some of his most important words.

Audio mentors!

A few years ago when I was in my early 20’s I started to listen to a Radio Show called Red Ice Radio. It was hosted by a man from Sweden called Henrik Palmgren. One of the popular guests on this radio show especially in the late 2000’s and into the early 2010’s was a man called Michael Tsarion. It was Tsarion who really started to connect all the dots for me and in one of his interviews in the late 2000’s he stated that our anger, especially as anger felt by a man – comes from the anger of our ancestors who having helped us to get to this vital point in human history, feel betrayed that we are not pushing forward in our collective evolution to obtain something greater than what they could have ever dreamed – Knowing the true capabilities of the human spirit.

This anger, the anger of our ancestors which many of us feel is because they through us feel betrayed by each of us giving up and resigning to the monotony of our jobs and having a lack of vision for what it is that each of us truly want for ourselves in our own personal and future children’s destinies.

It is my personal belief that each of us have a destiny and I wrote about this in my book Thoughts Distinctions and Certainties from the year 2012… Even then I could understand that each of us feel angry and that sometimes we need to understand how to best express this anger. I have had to personally go through a great catharsis over the last two years of my life in order to work out who I am as an adult and where I fall with my human adult relationships in society.

This has not been easy for me and at times I have had to let other people in my life down, other times they have let me down – And each time I have felt angry… It wasn’t the act of them letting me down however which hurt me the most, it was rather that I could not come to terms with my anger and or passion when I dealt with others which let me down.

I have had to learn the price for anger!

I have learned the hard way that the price for my anger was wisdom. I have also learned to use and work with my anger in order to slow down and solve some of the more obviously disturbing problems I have had between myself and other people. Solving some o the problems I have had with others has helped me to ease my anger somewhat, but still it remains hidden inside of me at times and comes out to torment me when I am not on top of who I am and managing my emotions as a man. Managing my emotions as a man means that I need to understand the circumstances of my life, what I have done to generate them and how I can at any time which my circumstances become undesirable – Change them.

I am in control of my life, being in control of my life lessens the grip of my anger as a man.

I am in control of my life, being in control of my life lessens the grip of my anger as a man. By dealing with my anger and the anger which is experienced by others is not easy, its hard! Yet it is this very same anger which gets us moving, can help us to become stronger and can give us something which each of us can work for – If it is only channeled into a situation at the most appropriate and carefully crafted time.

Such a channel of anger is discussed in the 2002 film remake of The Count of Monte Cristo. This movie is one off my favorite movies of all time and in this movie there is a scene with James Caviezel who plays the main male lead Edmond Dantes and Dagmara Dominczyk who plays the main female lead Mercedes. This particular scene is where the two characters are arguing about their now embittered past. Dantes has spent over a decade or more in prison and Mercedes has had to marry another man (complicated plot) in order to bear herself and another main male lead character a child. When the two argue and Mercedes confronts Dantes, he says to her “Don’t take away my anger… Don’t take away the only thing I have left after everything else has been taken away from me”.

This line struck me as important – Because it was directly addressing my ability to feel my own anger!

Many of us are living on anger.

I think this above scene with the two characters of Edmond and Mercedes was important, especially when they argue . The statement made by Edmond Dantes is important in that it describes how important it is for us to appropriately control and express our anger. This scene taught me that many of us are just living in order to be angry and are living on anger solely alone. In living on our anger, on living for moments where we can express moments of emotional outbursts – We are truly not living at all.

Many of us are living on anger and it is this anger which is perhaps destroying us on the inside out. This is why I believe as a man, that we should each learn how to control and express our anger in the most appropriate way possible. Censorship has been tried and all that it has done has caused people to have emotional breakdowns or worse yet, to have outbursts which have costed jobs, careers, relationships and similarly important circumstances for each of our lives.

In closing this article, I wanted to state that society thinks anger especially male anger is bad. I do not consider this a useful opinion because anger as I have said throughout this article can be channeled and when mixed with love can become passion. Our love like our anger is an energy, how we use and channel our energies is how we use and channel our emotions. This is especially so with men who in their more mature years, learn to hold their anger at bay and assess a situation for what it is – A test to the strength and maturity of our characters. Character in my bias can only occur when each of us struggle and grow, character can only come through our ability to develop who each of us are.

This to me is a Real Life Development.

Until next time,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty on Thursday the 17th of April 2014.

What we came from – The year 2000 and Beyond, a Retrospective Analysis from a Gen Y!

What we came from – The year 2000 and Beyond, a Retrospective Analysis from a Gen Y!


What we came from, The year 2000 and beyond…

There was such a huge emotional transition of change that has occurred in the last 10-15 years. Globally we are now starting to understand that we are in the mid 2010’s moving towards the 2020’s. Many of us who were living in the 1990’s *(I was a kid of the 1990’s and a teenager of the year 2000’s) saw around them an amazing change which could be considered no better or no worse than any other era.

Yet we are best to remember if not consider that changes have occurred in each of our emergent and ever-increasingly interconnected global societies. Other than the considerate effects be they pro or con of multiculturalism, natural/man-made climate change, new political movements and the rise of religions there has also been the emergence of new sub-cultures, a third androgynous agenda and of course the more conspiracy laden non-localized paranoid culture. Each of these have been a back-draft to ages past and can reflect, if not genuflect some of the emergent trends we will see in our futures each each of us move and evolve into strange vistas of trans-humanist spaces and off-grid communities.

All things considered, it is perhaps moot to mention that the changes which happened in preceding and recent human eras such as the 1960’s and 1970’s into the 1980’s have also made their voices known and left their marks on a society which is now in a constant state of flux. The flux of change which flung Women’s Liberation, 1st, 2nd and 3rd wave feminism not to mention the privatization and of selling of many essential services has changed society and how we consider the importance of economic and fiscal policy.

Yet the changes continue to happen just as the selling continues to happen as newer and newer markers of endeavor such as the internet, space and more exotic technologies are now starting to open up for each of us – as both public and private global citizens. Such changes demonstrate a continued evolution in all areas of human society and these changes, in particular the social/sociological changes were echoed in the previously above aforementioned eras scholarly authors such as Alvin Toffler in his Future Shock book and also by LSD-brain-change Guru Timothy Leary. It was Leary who speculated in ‘his’ then-current western american culture circa the late 70’s and early 1980’s that there would become an emergent force of many different types of humanity, who coming from a single source would begin to branch away from one another.

Leary and other authors such as Robert Anton Wilson defined these particular men and woman as bio-types. The types of people who would become transhumanist, Hippe ‘on the land’ types, Metropolitian city dwellers, doomsday-occultists, conspiracy theorists with enough ammunition to shut down a government (or mega corporation) and of course the magician-poet post-modernist type – Who in their own way, would learn how to rule their world with their own minds.

But were the minds who wrote about this right in their predictions about where we would be going beyond the year 2000 and into our futures? Yes and No. Like all predictions, we can say after the events of where and when they were made that ideas can become dated with time. Time and change can date anything and rightfully so. Things which were written 30-40 years ago were based upon predictions and trends which were set at that time and at that date. Korzybski called this Indexing in his system of General Semantics and make no mistake – General Semantics borrowed from both mathematics and its ability to use both the dating and timing of something.

Still we have to ask… Were they right?

Were visionaries like Timothy Leary and Alvin Toffler Right?

YES!!! I would have to say so, in most of the things that they said in their works, the only other considerations we need to make is that their predictions failed only where other factors and other solutions to their set problems of analysis of the future became seen. It seems to be an almost constant, in the fluxes of change each of us in our current era of sociological, anthropological and psychological advance that what we predict to come true – Will only ever be considered conditionally true in future eras of human civilization if the current levels of changes in our society remain constant.

In this respect, I have to say Leary’s future analyses of human evolution to be somewhat correct. Indeed, while I am not a transhumanist and I abhor most of what transhumanism represents – I will not deny that a lot of Leary’s ideas of the future and the ideas of people who saw into their futures, from their eras has already or will be very shortly coming true… Bar Space Migration, Intelligence Increase and Life Extension, which Black Budget Programs have been working on for the last 60 years.

While I suspect in these black operations that most of the worlds future and current problems have already been found to have solution – I do not think that any or much of their technology will continue to be released. Further, I think that having come out of the embryonic womb post the year 2012 and the year 2000 millennialism which preceded it, that something greater much greater is about to happen to us socially then what thinkers, philosophers or those in black budgets could ever expect for us or have dreamed.

Many sociologists have called this cusp of change “Post-Modernism” while others have called it the Arrival of the “Third Way” or communitarianism. What I call it, is the arrival of the next evolutionary jump in humanity! The type of jump we could witness occurring say from the 1900’s to the 1950’s and from the 1950’s till now and beyond. What we are doing is that we are entering the next step, a greater step which is perhaps a final phase in our collective evolution (I don’t like Darwin, I am more of a Lamarkian) where we may become an entirely different species than the one we know now currently.

When did this change start to happen?

I reiterate in my thinking that this change started to happen in the early 1990’s and has exponentially accelerated in the 2000’s and into the 2010’s… But we will all have to wait and see what the final result of this is…

This is why I believe you need to continue to read my blog and have a Real Life Development!

Count. Daniel John Fogarty on Monday the 14th of April 2014.