Knowing That You Are Capable Part 6 – Demonstrating That You Are A Person of Quality!

Knowing That You Are Capable Part 6 – Demonstrating That You Are A Person of Quality!


In life we have expectations about how things should be, how they are and how they should operate. To operate in life mean to take control of your life circumstances and embrace who you were born to be, to embrace your destiny and become more than you think you are. I have come from nothing – I will too go to nothing – Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Yet I have a passion and have had a passion to change my life time and time again. Each time that I have changed, I have almost gone through an alchemical process which has burned the person away that I was and created a new personality in the process.

Stead fast as I have been I have had to learn about alchemical principles and how they relate to the human personality. The term Solve et coagula comes to my mind here and this is the term used in Latin-alchemy to describe the separation of parts of the philosophers stone or human life force, chi and substance in order to refine and further refine it. Like in alchemy, each and every time that I have hard to refine my life, I have had to become a person of quality. But what does it mean to be a person of quality? I have five main principles in this article that for me, define a person of quality.

The first is to understand yourself and others and how to act appropriately around them. Understanding the process of how to act appropriately around others first came to me when I was undertaking my degree in psychology. When studying this degree, I had to learn how to become an ethical person – The type of person who would respect others in my relationship to them as human beings.

Being ethical means knowing when to act and meet peoples emotional needs. For instance making sure that people feel safe, knowing how to protect their secrets and he long them feel that you will tell them the truth. Unfortunately however I discovered this process in my life a little too late and this cost me. Few relationships and friendships. But I learned!

I learned and I started to understand others through my mistakes and this understanding of my mistakes and how to better treat others led me to become a person of quality.

When you learn you become a person of quality.

I learned that in order to improve the circumstances of your life – you must at first make mistakes and learn from these mistakes. No one ever succeeds or has any personal success in life until they learn from their mistakes and either attempt to fix the mistakes that they have made – and to also learn from them. At that point you achieve understanding.

When you understand you become a person of quality.

When you understand yourself and others and how each of us are prone to making mistakes then you start to become a person of quality because you begin to understand that you yourself and other human beings are fallible.

Each of us is fallible. We make mistakes… But our mistakes are our gifts, they give us an opportunity to learn and to strive for something higher. I understand now that it is not the results of what we want – rather the striving towards what we want and then achieving it which is more important. Having an understanding of our circumstances makes us who we are, it makes us more pure in our intent and helps us to keep secrets which others invest in us a a form of trust.

When you know secrets and are able to keep them – you become a person of quality.

People over the years have told me many secrets in their lives. On their journey to self discovery and on their journey to becoming a person of quality and of value they have had to tell me secrets. I have done the same. These secrets were given to me out of trust and it is this trust which I cherish.

To have someone trust you with their heart and their soul. To have them show you how vulnerable a human being can be and to protect and cradle this vulnerability perhaps is one of the most special things I have had to aspire towards in my life. I learned that when people told me secrets and that I could keep these secrets that I became a person of value and that this person of value knew that sometimes while secrets can be kept – sometimes the demands of these secrets have forced me to let people go.

When you learn to let things go – you become a person on quality.

Some people have to be let go of and some people have to let go of you. If the duality and nuances of life are to be understood, then they must be understood in the processes of meeting people at the right time and knowing when to let go of them at the right time.

Sometimes however, there is never a right time to let certain people go – it must be done. It is perhaps sometimes the people with whom you love so much that need to be let go of the hardest, because of all the value they have provided but now due to circumstances in life must be let go of. Sometimes when people let go of us, they do so because they don’t want to hold us back and because they love us. These people are special people and sometimes we will never know their true intents until we develop the life strategies to heal.

When you develop life strategies to heal – you become a person of quality.

Life strategies are what define value. Value which can be expressed in money, resources, acquisition, survival, knowledge and games.  Each of these life strategies provide value and they provide quality both to ourselves and other more social members of our human species. The latter of these in particular knowledge and games provide us a certain amount of time to heal and change the course of our lives so that we can become better people.

Knowledge of how to heal yourself and others, not just in the psychological and biomedical sciences – Means that each of us, perhaps through a social understanding of ourselves and one another can and often does lead to healing. Knowledge of class, caste, race, ethnicity, time and generation can help us understand where we are lacking in our lives and thus begin to heal.

Games allow us to socially interact with one another and form strategies be they social-sexual, logical-dexterous or similar so that we can play games which allow the more robust and better calibrated qualities to come out in each of us. Healing can only come about when we decide to change games which have not been serving us or others such as war, aggression or abuse. When we understand that certain games have not been helping us or one another we can change these negative games to service, love and compassion.

These latter qualities make us more qualified to distribute value to others and thus help them heal. The wounded then becomes the healer and all things healthy and good then follow.

This is why I think each of us need to have a Real Life Development.

Count. Daniel John Fogarty on Saturday the 3rd of May 2014.

Synchronicities, Dreams and Virtues… The Finite and Infinite Spiders of Our Mind!

Synchronicities, Dreams and Virtues… The Finite and Infinite Spiders of Our Mind!


Synchronous events in nature are harmonic. They occur in our lives to teach us a less than serious attitude to life can cause us to win what is called in games theory a finite and infinite games. Games theory is the study of how human behaviors in nature, psychology, sociology and in math affect human life on the planet earth.

Finite games are games with are played until the end and are finished. Classified on sociological and psychological dramas, they have a clear result at their finish. Life and death for humans are finite but the possibilities for sexual reproduction are infinitive as long as the human race last. Thus infinite games are games which can be played over and over again. They have no end in sight nor beginning in knowing… These games just are and they are because they exist, the way each of us exist and act out the duration of our lives towards a finite ending.

The ending of synchronicity cannot occur. Synchronicity is an infinite game in the human universe because it’s a series of coincidental patters which cause us to change into something else and then something else again time after time. Like dreams and perhaps the ethology of human virtues synchronous events in human nature occur because the human brain can comprehend a more advanced and cohesive pattern occurring time and time again in the universe by universal cognitive patterns.

Such patterns were known to many non-abrahamic cultures around the planet who in their sense of human ethics, understood universal symbols as the archetype to the collective unconscious of the human soul. Such archetypes as collective cognitive patterns have shown up in the Nazca Lines in Peru and also in cultures such as the Celts who drew stone horses on meridian, dragon and ley lines.

One such symbol has been the spider, who at least in Hopi and more exotic Indian and moorish cultures represented aspects of human-female sexuality. The black widow spider for instance who eats it’s mate after sexual ritual. Of course, this archetype can also be representative of Timothy Leary’s 8 circuit model. Eight legs of Isis reaching out into the archetypal stars and stratosphere of the human mind.

Each leg is a comprehension of human sexuality and human energy (Reich’s Orgone) activating geometrical and brain meridian patterns and ley lines in the heads and hearts of human beings, waiting for the rises and dawn of humanity to take place in the abstract, the infinite game of the synchronous, dream and virtue.

Dream and virtue are interesting in that they are often used in ritual. Ritual in Paleolithic cultures was refined to the shaman-psychologist on a sliding scale into  the present post-modern apparel of sociological and ethnographic fixture. Of course the latter utilizes ritual and ritual Magick, by sympathy and vibration in order to cause change in the conformity of the human will – But alas this is a finite game being played in an infinite game of human energy.

Dreams are a psychic manifestation of this infinite energy. They transfix in the modern world like a sigil, like a worship of a scorpion or a spider as a waking meditation. Psychedelics cause those who explore them to understand a unifier or universal dream which appears to the finite individual to be infinite. Thus we can also contemplate that human sexuality as expressed in human dreams by Freud is a modernist and post-modernist approach to the archetype of the spider and female sexuality as expressed in paleolithic and shamanic cultures.

Thereby we can conclude that while the finite game and it’s finite interpretations have changed, the infinite game of synchronicity continues and contends not in animosity but rather in the values with which we place within it as a ritual code.

Nothing changes, everything is the same…

Count. Daniel John Fogarty on Monday the 28th of April 2014.