Part Time Income Strategies – Busking Part 1 – Being Unique While Busking…

Part Time Income Strategies

– Busking Part 1 –

Being Unique While Busking…


One of my first girlfriends was a saxophone and piano player. She had been playing these instruments for years and when she moved to Sydney I would often go out with her and play, improvise on drums or sing along with her.

While we didn’t make much, we could often buy ourselves dinner for doing 1-2hours of work. Being a student at the time and her working full time at a chemist it certainty helped us both survive, enjoy each others time together and help us put some half decent food in our mouths two to three times per week.

Later on in life, I would learn to act parts in plays/roles and invite the audience around me to be in on my act. This led me to doing stand up comedy and telling inspirational stories/speeches and also to sending out loving energy as a form of waking mediation. This type of energy in waking meditation attracted a lot of corporate business people in suits around me (in the cities) who needed some time out from work and being stuck in logical, linear binary thinking in their lunchtime hours…

What was interesting about my waking meditation was, that each time I undertook it as a form of busking I would be paid well (sometimes up to $100 cash) and only for doing four hours work no more, no less per day. What I learned from my waking meditations, drum/saxophone playing and stand up as different forms of busking was that I learned it was not hard to live or create an adequate sense of living if I could learn to find/provide a way for others to have value and entertainment in their lives. Finding this value for entertainment however was not always easy, but neither was it hard when I found out what it was that the crowds around me were looking for.

It’s how you approach crowds which counts…

I think it’s how you approach crowds when you busk, that allows you to make money. For instance, I knew a music teacher who would often find themselves out of work since they were seasonal and part-time -Preferring to focus on family activities and a sick child. While they may have made quite a bit of money doing live musical gigs and were well known both in their city and country state, they would often struggle on smaller more available platforms to entertain at… Even though his talent would pull in and attract large crowds. I also had a friend who would go out into a major city he was living at the time (London) and play a broken violin and he would make 200 pound for ten hours of work by making everyone laugh and be intense. He would teach people to play a broken violin and be paid for it.

So how can you turn this into a part-time income strategy?


What I have found from the most successful buskers I have had the chance to meet and talk with, is the following method they have taught me which is:

1. Be unique.
2. Learn how to dance and move your body, even badly.
3. Draw attention to yourself.
(Golden mean voice, waving, saying something provocative)
4. Engage with others.
5. Keep other people engaged enough with you in order to pay you.

Today I will focus on the first part of busking, which is being unique in the busking process and in the next two articles following I will talk about the other four parts to the busking process.

1. Being unique.

Being unique while busking, is the start of you creating a useful part time income. Being unique involves you taking your own creative talent into your own hands and being entrepreneurial enough to start getting some of that quick cash you need to survive.

The Quickest way to be unique…

I have found that the quickest way to be unique is to dress out of character. Yes that’s right, pick a favourite character of yours in a movie, television show or an opera and dress like them. Your goal in dressing like them is to be out of character, your own nature character so that you can put on a public persona. The type of persona which is different to the “normal you” in your everyday life.

An example of this would be one of my friends who used to be quite popular in the Australian PUA (Pickup artist) movement who started to dress out of character in order to attract women to him. He would do this using the traditional form of PUA known in the mystery method system as peacocking. Peacocking, according to my friend is where you dress to attract and show other women and sometimes other men that you are a man of stylish, attractive character.

This particular friend became so good at what he did that, I started to Model (modelling link) him using a series NLP techniques I had learned from the Inspiritive Advanced Master/Graduate Practitioner of NLP with Chris and Jules Collingwood. After watching my friend out in the field for some time, I started to use his strategies in the busking arena.

Here is how he and now I become unique when we busk:

1. Dress out of character.
2. If you are used to playing an instrument such as keyboards/synthesizer, drums or guitar – then make sure that these objects shine, sparkle or have a unique character about them.
3. Be expressive and open with your body posture – remember, when you are busking to the general public you want to invite them into your world and begin to have entertainment and interest in what you are providing to them.
4. Smile, have a characteristically seductive smile which says – “You’re going to like me no matter what”.
5. Move, move around and keep changing your posture. Do not remain still or focused, unless you want to be a statuette. If you do want to be a statuette then change your posture and body movements, only as if to influence others suddenly.

With this in mind, there will be a few further blog posts I will be putting up on Busking soon so stay tuned… And until then,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Sunday the 23rd of February 2014.

Part-Time Income Stratergies – Market Research Part 3

Part-Time Income Stratergies – Market Research Part 3

Market Research

What to say or do, within a Market Research or Group Participation Event!!!

Influence, Stories, Rappport and use of NLP.

When I go into a Market Research Group, I often make sure that they get the biggest bang for their buck. You see, I have a bias when I want to help others in groups and I do this by making a really good impression.

Making an impression is important to me, as a graduate of New Code NLP, I like to influence others… Not just for my own benefit, but for theirs also. This is why, when I am in a Market Research session I like to help the presenter of a Market Research Group influence the entire room to give good market research responses.

Thus, when I walk into a room, behind closed doors the first thing that I will do is briefly introduce myself in an impressionable way, once the Market Research session in question has started. I allow this to happen as a Market Research participant by sitting either to the right or the left of the Market Research Presenter.

Giving information to Spike Curiosity!!!

When I introduce myself to a Market Research group I want to spike curiosity. I do this by giving as minimal information about myself as possible I.e. “My name is Daniel, I work as a Postman and I am interested in Entrepreneurial pursuits in my free-time”. I then sit and wait quietly, watching  others in the Market Research group introduce themselves.

After each member in the group has done this, the Market Researcher will then start to ask the audience their opinions. This is where I continue to remain quiet and use a technique I learned from the book “The Magic Of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz.

BigThe Magic of Thinking Big!

In this book, I learned a technique which you can use in any social situation in or outside of Market Research which is where I will talk Twenty Percent (20%) louder than the rest of the other participants in the Market Research group and state sharply, quickly with some pauses my ideas for the particular product in question. Then I let other people talk…

Then I let other people talk…

What does speaking 20% more loudly and being short/sharp in my communication achieve?

Well it does the following;

1. Talking in a quick and sharp manner gets my point across quickly.
2. Talking 20% louder than anyone else, enables the other people in the room to get to know me, listen to me and remember me (Remember don’t yell!!!).
3. Pausing puts suspense into the communication I am attempting to communicate. It shows others that I can think on my feet… Indeed, pausing allows me to come across as a sophisticated person without sounding like a speed freak, talking at a super fast speed.

After this…

After I do this, I go quiet again and watch everyone else in the room…

Usually other participants in the Market Research session will then start talk and at the same time adjust their body language and similar means of non-verbal communication towards me. This means to me that I have started to influence them and now hold sway over my particular opinions on a particular product.

Even if people don’t like what I have to say, or consider what I say to be irrelevant, the way I have presented myself and my ideas still influences them. This then gets them to further think about the Market Research product at hand. After some time when I start to talk again, I will talk about the design of the product. I will talk about how the product can be improved and I also talk about what I like about the product.

Some of the time…

Some of the time (about 20%) I will defer to others in the group after I have said something. At other times, I will state my opinion even if others do not agree (80% of the time). That way, my input regardless of it being recorded on audio, video or being transcribed… Gets remembered because everyone is looking at me and what I am saying.

BUT!!! Its all about etiquette…

At all times when I am talking, I am pleasant. I am pleasant to others even when I talk loud and promptly to/with them. I sit up straight and I give the market researcher and the rest of the Group participants my full attention. This gives an example to other people in the group, about what they should be doing and also shows that I can take the lead and have people in the group follow me.

Talking about following, there is also another technique called Cross Pacing and leading…

Cross-Pacing and Leading.

Sometimes I will use a bit of NLP or Neurolinguistic Programming with the group participants and the Market Researcher I am with, by Pacing and leading them through their own research process. The most popular method that I use is known as Cross-pacing. Cross-pacing is where I will notice someone in the group who I think has good ideas and who is also influencing other people in the group. I focus on that particular person and I begin to cross-pace with them.

When I cross pace, I will observe how this other person moves or fidgets a particular series of areas on their body and begin to move other areas of my body in a similar way to them. An instance of this is where if there is an attractive women in the class who moves her crossed legs and knees upwards and downwards *(an unconscious habit of hers…) Then I will match and cross-pace her. I will cross-pace her by moving one of my fingers or a pen upwards and downwards or side to side at the rate of her legs and knees were moving. I do this for around two to five minutes she will eventually will shift her body posture towards me.

This process of cross-pacing causes rapport between the both of us and allows each of us to begin influencing one another so that we are in a form of non-verbal agreement. Once I can see that we both non-verbally agree, then I will start to match and mirror this particular individuals breathing. This means that I will watch their shoulders rise with an in-breath… and on that in-breath I would breathe in also.

As I watch their shoulders drop on an out-breath, I would breathe out and watch their shoulders drop as well. If I keep this up over five minutes, the other person will be paying complete attention to me. Then I can talk with them and the rest of the participants in the group and they will be more likely to agree with my ideas. This in turn will filter into influencing the rest of the Market Research group and the Market Research presenter.

Telling stories…

Other times, I will tell the Market Research presenter and the rest of a group some stories and while I am telling them these stories I will drop certain important metaphor’s and comparisons for each of them to make. I wont go into this too much in this post, but I will write a post about telling stories in future. The goal of these stories however is to describe to others the benefits and the deficits of the product in question and what needs to improved.

After having done each of these techniques… The sessions are usually over and I collect my money. I get paid to tell people stories, influence them, learn about a product and to also write a three-part blog-post on Real Life Development… Sounds good to me.

Until Next time,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Friday 10th of January 2014.

Part-Time Income Stratergies – Market Research Part 2

Part-Time Income Stratergies – Market Research Part 2

Market Research

Helping others in the industry help you!

In order to help market research companies with my services, I took the tme out to become a VBP (Very Busy Person) with these companies and made sure that I was paid handsomley with them, so that I could futher my financial, corporate and professional education.

The goal when working with Market Research and Third Party companies was and remains for me to make lots of contacts in this industry so that I could be a person of value to them, inasmuch as they could be people of value to me.

Value, at the end of the day is the name of the game for me in life. Not the type of value which makes you rich, wealthy or whatever but makes you useful to others no matter how deep or shallow that value appears to be. This is why Market Research, via the value it has provided for me – Has helped me to go on holidays, fund private businesses and get my own products and sales into line for registered operation in the marketplace.

The value provided to these services has been more than valuable and like any other sales or self-selling operation, conducting and being apart of market research involves you learning the importnat skills of following up people, companies etc. You have made contact with so that you can better help one another.

Following up a Market Research Company is easy. What I do after applying with a Market Research Company in the Australian Yellow Pages is that I follow them up two to three days later. For instance, if I spent a small part of my weekend, say a Friday or Saturday evening applying for market research before I hit the town, then I always follow up with the market research companies I have applied with on the following Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

I do this either by calling up the company or else calling in to follow up with somone face to face… This allows me to be known as a very important person to the people in these comapnies and because they know my face and they know my attitude, they may also offer me secondary jobs such as writing/recording minutes of the market research group meeting, or being a cameraman.

Most people dont do this when applying for market research or any other area of their lives and are content on sending emails to the companies asking them if they can help them… So let me in on a little secret to any success in your life, commercial, private or otherwise…


Don’t send emails… To anyone, if you can help it. Trust me, I should know. Emails and spam are common events in the postmodern world which people do not pay much attention to, unless they are urgent. This is why I always call someone in a market research or social situation and say “hey I did xyz… How is zyx going?” I never, ever call a company and go “Did you get my email?” – FATAL MISTAKE!

Contact the person or people directly who can get you work in the industry and only ever send an email to them or do an online survey if they ask you to do so. Otherwise go out of your way to be attractive to them! That’s how you win at both market research and in other areas of your life such as Relationship Management, Sales or Seduction!

What I have also found about contact with Market Research groups is that, if they are looking for the right person or new recruits – Will contact you!!! Usually within the same week upon making application with their company. This is why I expect you to check your emails, as they may contact you via email – But what that means is that you both reply to them via email and also give them a call.

The amount of times that I have sent emails and also called has doubled if not tripled my chances of going and getting into a market research group – But that requires you to be savy and learn these skills that I am teaching you here in this blog article. SO here is the next step to being contacted by market research companies…

Always check your spam filter!!!

Always check your email’s spam filter! Once you have done that and called and answered a few questions you should then be able to go into a focus or market research group with other people around you… This is your key to have input in the public operations of companies and to ultimately be paid.

In the next blog article, we will be talking about the  market research group session and how to help market researchers and other participants around you feel comfortable, better acquainted with you whilst also moving towards that ultimate point of being there – Which is to be paid and help companies improve their products!!!

Until then,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Saturday 28th of December 2013.

Part-Time Income Stratergies – Market Research Part 1

Part-Time Income Strategies – Market Research Part 1

Market Research

The ins and outs of Market Research you need in order to help companies help you.

Have you ever wanted free drinks, free coffee, cigarettes or food? Have you ever wanted to shape or mold a corporation or government institution bottom up? Perhaps even wanted to make some extra money to help you pay the bills or go on that holiday?

If so, then market research is for you. I’ve been doing market research on and off for the last few years and have found it to be a lucrative enterprise which has paid me many more dividends then just cash.

When I was going to university, was between employment and thinking about my next series of business opportunities… I was going to market research sessions. I originally found out about market research by accident through an acquaintance I did some work for and he referred me to a contact in the Market Research Industry. From this contact, I found out how to prospect myself in the Market Research Industry and to start generating the cash that I wanted to generate from my input into both business and social change in society.

Below, I am going to list some of the step to finding and making contact with a Market Research company and how to make sure that you are kept in life for current and future Market Research opportunities.

Steps to finding a Market Research Company and Market Research Opportunities…

I found after becoming comfortable doing work for a few market research companies that I could better help people with my services indirectly and so went online and entered in the following THREE MAGIC KEYWORDS… These Magic Keywords were “market research”, “mystery shopping” and “focus groups” into the Australian Yellow Pages.

TIP: If you live outside of Australia, then use your local Yellow Pages or similar online phone directory.

From the Australian Yellow Pages, I found a series of market research groups which were offering their services to the public and I applied for them… Applying for market research means that you get into contact with them and fill out their contact and sign up forms via a registration page.

After you have registered with a Market Research company you need to follow them up. Doing a follow up of Market Research companies reminds them both that you exist as a Commercial Entity and that you are keen to help them. The result of this is being in regular contact with one or many Market Research and third party companies which will pay your for their time, in order to help them prosper and flourish as a business model.

Market research helped me to keep busy in my evenings, with a schedule that allowed me to be paid money, without having to work a part time job which allowed me to get through my education throughout the day with little to no fuss.

Tomorrow, I will talk more about how to follow up with a Market Research Company and how to get into discussion groups whilst behaving and not drawing too much attention to yourself.

Until then,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Tuesday 24th of December 2013.

Part-Time Quick Cash-Flow Ideas Part 1

Part-Time Quick Cash-Flow Ideas – How to Increase your Active Income!


I’ll be blogging about ways to make extra-active income over the next few weeks.

Making an income is easy, having the mindset and attitude that you can make a part-time or full time income is hard. I should know. There have been numerous times in my life where I have been gainfully unemployed and have had to rely on the Australian domestic government for help and welfare.

Did I enjoy this process? Not really, because while I might hate receiving a benefit from the government which I feel I may or may not have rightfully earned, I never stopped working hard on myself and my mental attitude in order to get and receive better outcomes for myself and those around me in my life.

What I learned from working hard on myself and my mental attitude was a little secret and this little secret was… When you work harder on yourself, than you do on your job… Expect big and better things to happen.

Expect Big Things to Happen!!!

Expect big things to happen when you have a change of mental attitude, especially when it comes to finances and wealth. Expect big things to happen both for yourself and for those who are in your life, especially those who you  are currently leading as a leader. I got a lot of skills when I worked hard on myself and who I was while I was looking for a job and what I found was that working hard on improving yourself is what gets your through the demoralizing process of not being able to work and also in the unfortunate circumstance of not living up to others high expectations of you.

When you don’t have any money or two cents to rub next to your name, it’s hard enough to struggle and to survive, but it is also just as hard if not more so to handle others around you who see you as a social parasite or leach.

The type of “leach” who is working hard, very hard on themselves to make sure that they do not make the same mistake again which caused them to be unemployed in the first place.

It is my belief that each of us learn by our mistakes. We learn from our mistakes the way Thomas Edison learned from his, when he invented the light bulb and similar to the way a man or woman who invented the steel capped boot must have also learned from their mistakes when they kept hitting their feet often. When I did classical vocal training as a teenager so that I could be singer, I found that I had to learn from my mistakes and to calibrate my voice. I found often in order to become a better singer around others, I had to do things which were counter-intuitive to me, such as making what I thought was my voice sound less acoustic and more boring.

Yet, this counter-intuition or what I now call Calibration was what made me sing better and win awards at both my high school and independent competitions. I learned in a similar way, how to calibrate and do what was counter-intuitive to me throughout my experiences of being unemployed, or “between jobs” in my early 20’s and because of this, I also learned how to think quickly on my feet, and quite quickly at that.

There may be some people who, after reading this may, even after being dutifully employed for two years, building a part-time business and doing university part time still think that my efforts are the efforts of a “dole bludger” (Australian slang for welfare recipient…) But their attitude doesn’t bother me… I’ve learned and I have grown through my adversity and adverse circumstances and I have become a better human being because of them.

To put my attitude into perspective, prior to being unemployed I was over-employed. What this means was that from early-2007 until mid-2008 I was working 90 hour weeks when I was a 21 year old boy. At that time I was a sales representative for a pharmaceutical and health company while also having my own business, a joint Australian-Chinese software training company for middle managers.

This was a fun and fast-paced lifestyle for me and it gave me the mission, the money and the drive/desire to succeed that I needed. But… In June 2008 just two weeks after I was made redundant from my job, my business folded due to the 2008 financial crisis… It was at that point that I decided to start my degree in psychology, now ongoing and focus on quick and effective ways of making a part time income around what I was doing.

A part time income which would not slow me down, help me pay for my most basic needs and get me out of debt. When I learned that there were easy ways to make quick, effective part-time income, I also learned about how to increase my financial intelligence and this led me back into the workforce so that I could maximize my active income and start to look at other, more long-term passive income streams which would move me towards financial safety, financial independence and ultimately financial freedom.

Because of my development in how I learned to make some fast, quick and easy cash I will over the next few posts be focusing on how best to generate quick, effective and easy ways of creating a part time income, starting with my favorite – Market research and discussion groups. Until the next post on ways to create quick part-time cash flows,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Saturday 21st of December 2013.

Robert Kiyosaki’s 4 Different Types of Income!

Robert Kiyosaki’s 4 Different Types of Income!

Robert Kiyosaki’s 4 Different Types of Income!

 4 Cashflow Quadrants!!!

Today we will be talking about financial independence and financial freedom as assessed by the financial mentor and Guru – Robert Kiyosaki. Roberts two books ‘Cashflow Quadrant’ and ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ are two fantastic books which I read early on in my ongoing self-develop and education. What they taught me, I will be writing about below as I write about and explore with you the four quadrants of financial capital and income.

The four Quadrants.

The Four Quadrants which Kiyosaki explores in many of his books and products are the:

1. The E-Quadrant.

2. The S-Quadrant.

3. The B-Quadrant.

4. The I-Quadrant.

Exploring the E-Quadrant

The first Quadrant which Kiyosaki talks about, at the top left hand corner of his model is the E-Quadrant. The E-Quadrant represents Employed People or Employees who work in a JOB. JOB, which is an acronym for Just Over Broke represents well over 85% of the global world’s population. Here people work for others and receive a regular income or pay check so that they can function in society buying and paying for the essentials such as Food, Water, Gas, Electricity, Housing and Entertainment.

The Benefits and Burdens of the E-Quadrant

* The benefits of this particular quadrant is that if you find the right job, then it is assumed that you will be financially stable and receive a regular pay packet. This is of course assuming that you can continue to turn up at work and your place of employment.

* The burdens of this quadrant is that there are only so many hours in the day. Also that you can be fired at any time without notice and that you can be replaced or find yourself without a job rather quickly if things go pear shaped in your employment. Perhaps this is why it is better for you to be Self-Employed.

Exploring the S-Quadrant

The second Quadrant on the bottom left hand corner of Kiyosaki’s system is the S-Quadrant. This Quadrant represents the Self-employed person who is either a consultant or the type of person who manages their own private business and/or income. The person who operates and works in the S-quadrant has both the freedom and burden of managing their own life and their own circumstances a.k.a. their future through the use and management of their own income, labour and resources.

The Benefits and Burdens of the S-Quadrant

* The benefits of this quadrant is that, when a person fully develops their small business has the opportunity to pay themselves, reduce their tax and also has the ability to make more money than their employees or people who are employed in a day job.

* The burdens of this quadrant is time. There is only so much time in the day and physical energy which can be used as labour in order to create certain capital required to make them a person of wealth and/or riches. This is why it is important to develop your small business into a big business, allowing you to increase your income while leveraging your time.

Exploring the B-Quadrant

The third quadrant, on the top right hand side of Kiyosaki’s system is the B-Quadrant. The B-Quadrant stands for big business and is the type of business which entrepreneurs, multimillionaires/billionaires and people who have evolved their Small businesses or S-Quadrant businesses from the left to the right side. Here, in the B-Quadrant people are able to leverage their time and their wealth so that other people can run their business for them and this allows them to become financially independent and wealthy.

The Benefits and Burdens of the B-Quadrant

* The benefits of this quadrant is that when it is fully set up the entrepreneur or millionaire can walk away from the business and have someone else manage this for them. This is real freedom for the individual that wants to dictate the destiny of their own life.

* The burdens of this quadrant is that like all businesses including financial institutions and banks, they can be too big to fail (2008 financial crash) and that sometimes, even when leaders walk away from their businesses and have someone else manage for them – They can still collapse, go bankrupt or have fraud take place etc. This unfortunately can also affect investors.

Exploring the I-Quadrant

The fourth and final quadrant at the bottom right hand side is the I-Quadrant which stands for investor. Investors are the types of people who have made enough money from the different types of income streams in E-S-B or from their own previous investments in order to make money over long periods of time such as through Compound interest (Read Yesterdays Post on Warren Buffett) or similar methods and to make money work for you, instead of you having to work for money.

The Benefits and Burdens of the I-Quadrant

* The benefits of this quadrant are the ability to leverage your time, your money and your circumstances in such a way, if you are financially intelligent enough to keep increasing your wealth, buy what you need to survive and to keep increasing your ability to be successful in further investments.

* The burdens of this quadrant are that you can lose all and everything and have to start again. That money once worked so hard for in order to be gained, can be lost. This is the primary difference between each quadrant in what is lost and what is gained through working within them.

The Primary differences between each quadrant

The differences between each  E-S Quadrants and B-I quadrants is the ability to have time and financial freedom vs. time and financial expectancy. I.e. You expect to receive X amount instead of working to have X amount keep coming in, even while you sleep. An example of this is being an employee or Self-employed and how if and when you stop working, you stop receiving more money.

Contrast this with owning a big business or being an investor. In either case this means that as long as you understand, work hard and learn your craft in business/investment that – Even while you sleep you will be making ongoing cash, whose potential will only increase as time goes along with further work and reinvestment.

Investment is important, wherever you fall or find yourself in your financial education and quadrant. Indeed no matter which quadrant you find yourself within, just remember you have the ability to change quadrants and by doing so, change your future.

You can find Kiyosaki’s two books at here:

Warren Buffett and Compound Interest!!!

Warren Buffett and Compound Interest!!!

Warren Buffett and Compound Interest!

“My Wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest” – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is an investor, business entrepreneur and visionary. He was born in and remains in Omaha Nebraska.

For most of his life, Buffett has been entrepreneurial yet he did not make most of his wealth until he was in his 30’s and 40’s. In the post-modern world he is the second richest man in America, with only Bill Gates and his technology company Microsoft being 10 billion dollars in front of him in stock holdings. Unlike Gates however, Buffett does not believe in having stock in technology or anything which could potentially collapse or fail over night. Buffet fancies himself a conservative in his values and would rather invest in companies and consumables which would have a long-term gain.

Because of this he has continued to believe throughout the duration of his life in the power of stocks, bonds and similar types of investment capital which work towards long-term financial and economic solutions. This type of capital, he believes in particular could be used and compounded in interest, dividends and etc. in order to create so much wealth over a long period of time that someone who started out with a small investment could in 5-40 years using buffets method… Retire from the workforce quite wealthy and rich. This is also echoed by Robert Kiyoskai in his work on the four quadrants, something we will talk more about tomorrow.

Buffett is eccentric and he lives in his house in Omaha which he bought in the mid to late 1950’s and owns to this day. He lives below his means and even owns a car which he has not updated since the 1970’s and only spends on himself as an annual income of 50-thousand American dollars per year. (Business income). A few years ago, due to his advanced age, he was forced to be less frugal and buy himself a private jet named “The Indefensible” which he used both in his  private business dealings and also in his work on Philanthropy.

Buffett spends quite an amount annually on philanthropic enterprises which he believes will ultimately help the future of humanity on this planet survive. For buffet survival and success are tied together as one and this is why the focus on successful philanthropic enterprises for Buffett is so strong. But what is the key to Buffett’s success, be it in business, Philanthropy or in life? Buffett draws his success down into two words. These are “compound” and “interest”. Buffett believes that most of his success comes from the compound interest accumulated by his investments over his lifetime. He notes that for most of his investments made, he will invest not in the shorterm, not even in the long-term but within the scope of his own and others lifetimes.

Buffett does not care if stock loses 200 points one day and gains 800 points another. What he is looking for is the longevity and survival of the stock through which he has made an investment over the course and duration of his lifetime.When Buffett started investing he only had $9,800 which was quite a small fortune back in the 1950’s. He was able to save it up and made $127,000 in savings. Buffett estimated that he could live off $12,000 per year and make a huge fortune off the rest via compound interest.

When he found that he became quite wealthy, other people started to give him their money and pay him to look after their investments, money and similar forms of capital and that is how Buffett’s business Berkshire Hathaway was born. So what did Buffett have that other men and woman who invest did and do not? Simple, Buffett has a vision and having a vision is important to your success wherever you are in life that and perhaps understanding compound interest the way Buffett does.

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on November the 5th 2013.

Becoming Financially Intelligent!!!

Becoming Financially Intelligent!!!

Becoming Financially Intelligent!!!

This week we will be discussing different aspects of financial intelligence.

What does it mean to become financially intelligent, to become financially independent and to also have the ability to use your finances widely and wisely in order to help others? Good question, I will leave those aspects of financial intelligence up to you. The one thing I will say however, is that it is not money which makes you a successful man or woman… Rather, it is the intent with which you have around the money you create and bring into existence which makes your attitude and better self valid in this lifetime.

The intent which people have, creates their life. Money and the use of money is a bi-product of this intent, allowing a person depending upon their level of self-growth and spiritual maturity to create the correct amount of resources with which they envision for themselves in the creation of their success and the help of others. Considering financial attitudes, we will cover three different types of people and their varying levels of financial intelligence towards the betterment of all humanity.

This week, some of the topics on financial attitudes, freedom and independence will be:

* Wednesday; Explorations into different types of investing by talking about Warren Buffett, his idea on wealth creation, financial capital and compound interest.

* Thursday, a discussion on Robert Kiyosaki and his ideas on the four different types of wealth quadrants and how these apply to financial investment in your everyday life.

* Friday we will talk about Winston Shrout and how his ideas on bonds, notices of interest and birth certificates have influenced people to discharge debt.

* Saturday, will explore different ways of creating income and provide a book review.

* Sunday, will explore how to save money and how to live cheaply. Helping you better afford the lifestyle that you want.

This is a short post, as life is busy. But hey… What is more important in your life, when you are busy than to explore your ability to become more finically intelligent and educated? Education be it in finance, in relationships or enhancing your health etc. involves your ability to become more intelligent and move forwards in the progression and avenues of your life. If I have learned anything over the last years of my life, it is that no one owes you anything other than yourself to create the life that you want… On your terms.

That my friends is the start of a financially independent and driven life.

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on  Tuesday 29th of October 2013