Knowing That You Are Capable Part 2 – Walking Away From Limiting Beliefs In Your Past.

Knowing That You Are Capable Part 2

Walking Away From Limiting Beliefs In Your Past.

A few weekends ago, I attended a Jamie Mcintyre, 21st Century Academy 3 Day Education For Life Seminar in Sydney Australia. At this seminar, I learned numerous methods to increase my wealth, focus on marketing products in my business and on how I could get wealthy rather quickly in the next few years of my life. Just so long as I plan to work!

At this particular seminar, I was leading a troop of men and women of all ages towards scoring points in our group so that we could win financial packages and prizes which would help us in our every day lives. Most people would consider our results exceptionally unfortunate as the group I helped to manage came last and while each of us did our best as a communal unit to work together we did not get the results that we had wanted.

This radical honesty and understanding however helped each of us to understand that we are men and women and that also we can learn and become better individuals even if we did not quite get the original results that we had wanted. For me, this allowed each of the attendees including myself to get something from the weekend that we had not expected but which was valuable to each of us – Experience.

For me, one of the many experiences and learnings I will take away from that particular weekend seminar was that I needed to walk away from my limiting beliefs that I had about myself in my past. This ability to walk away from my past and let go of limiting beliefs was solidified when I wrote down my desire to overcome the limiting beliefs of my past on a board of plywood and later break it in front of Jamie Mcintyre. Each of us in the room, perhaps 100 people did this and we all got a rush from it.

Regardless of our intents, friendships were made that day and I was approached by another member in the class who later said to me… “Hey, I saw what you had written down… And I had written down the same thing that you had written down too”.

What I and this other person had written down was that we wanted to break the limiting beliefs of our past. We both wanted to walk away and create the sunshine of a better day.

Walking away from limiting beliefs in your past.

Each of us have a past. In this past we were, each of us many different people at many different times. These people are very often different to the people that we are now and we are different to the types of people that they thought we would become. In other words, we each turn out different to the expectations we have of ourselves in our past.

We each turn out different to the expectations we have of ourselves in our past.

Very we turn out different to who we thought we would become in the past and for many of us, these pasts are less than desirable or damaging to our greater sense of self or self-esteem when we each consider what has happened to us. Indeed I have come to conclude that our beliefs are shaped by our pasts but are not exclusively tied to them when we, in the present want to modify our beliefs.

I believe now that all beliefs we had of ourselves in our pasts were at one time valuable, if not useful to us. These beliefs were at times in our past worn like clothes, shoes, pants and yes even underwear. But through the duration and change in time these clothes like our beliefs become more and more faded and worn out.

Sometimes we have to discard our clothes… Sometimes we have to discard our beliefs…

I have thus concluded that sometimes we have to discard our clothes… Sometimes we have to discard our beliefs… and when we do so with each, we also have to take into consideration the beliefs of people around us. People around us may share our beliefs in the case of religious or political institutions, yet at times we may start to move at odds against these institutions and the people who represent them. It is therefore no mistake that because our beliefs change that the shared values of these beliefs limited or otherwise that we once had with others begin to cause our friendships and associations with others to wane.


In NLP we consider a belief limiting if it does not serve us any more. In its place we create a new belief or a new series of belief systems so that we are better able to cope as adult men and women in our very dangerous lives and world around us. This is why I believe that you need to sometimes learn how to walk away from your past and in doing so become aware of the present. In the present we also need to be aware that the lives we lead now will soon be in our past and that we are each marching into an almost unknown and impossible future. A future perhaps that we can only dream about.

The artists way…

When I lived in North Sydney in the late 2000’s and worked in a call center, I was in privileged company with a man in his early 30’s who taught to me and gave to me lots of self development materials to read, watch and learn. Life was tough back then, I was still a child in my early 20’s and was struggling to make sense of a real and broken world around me.

I had damaged and limiting beliefs of myself and of people around me. While I have grown since then, I can attribute much of my later and more recent success to my friend who opened me up to a whole new world and was/is a lifesaver to me. At that time my particular friend loaded me up on a mental diet of books upon books. When I mixed this diet of books upon books with weeks upon weeks of information and days of growth upon growth I found that I was devouring information that was enriching my life.

But nothing could prepare me for the book he was to give me called the Artists Way by the author Julia Cameron. The Artists Way taught me how to really assess my life and where I was going with it. At that time I learned to write down my dreams, aspirations, hopes, failures and pains of struggle – All of this going into a journal. Reflecting upon this process now I have found that even back then there were a lot of limiting beliefs that I had about myself and my life which were not serving me.

But like all parts of your Self Development as a human man or woman, it sometimes takes you a few years to really realize the gravity of your life situation, especially if you are starting in your 20’s. Thus it has taken me some years to write this blog post and to realize that I had to work very hard on myself in order to walk away from some if not most of the limiting beliefs I had made for myself, in my life. In doing so I have learned to let go of my past and have learned to walk in the present towards a more constructive future.

This for me is Real Life Development.

This for me is being capable.

Count. Daniel John Fogarty on Saturday the 12th of April 2014.

Part-Time Income Stratergies – Market Research Part 1

Part-Time Income Strategies – Market Research Part 1

Market Research

The ins and outs of Market Research you need in order to help companies help you.

Have you ever wanted free drinks, free coffee, cigarettes or food? Have you ever wanted to shape or mold a corporation or government institution bottom up? Perhaps even wanted to make some extra money to help you pay the bills or go on that holiday?

If so, then market research is for you. I’ve been doing market research on and off for the last few years and have found it to be a lucrative enterprise which has paid me many more dividends then just cash.

When I was going to university, was between employment and thinking about my next series of business opportunities… I was going to market research sessions. I originally found out about market research by accident through an acquaintance I did some work for and he referred me to a contact in the Market Research Industry. From this contact, I found out how to prospect myself in the Market Research Industry and to start generating the cash that I wanted to generate from my input into both business and social change in society.

Below, I am going to list some of the step to finding and making contact with a Market Research company and how to make sure that you are kept in life for current and future Market Research opportunities.

Steps to finding a Market Research Company and Market Research Opportunities…

I found after becoming comfortable doing work for a few market research companies that I could better help people with my services indirectly and so went online and entered in the following THREE MAGIC KEYWORDS… These Magic Keywords were “market research”, “mystery shopping” and “focus groups” into the Australian Yellow Pages.

TIP: If you live outside of Australia, then use your local Yellow Pages or similar online phone directory.

From the Australian Yellow Pages, I found a series of market research groups which were offering their services to the public and I applied for them… Applying for market research means that you get into contact with them and fill out their contact and sign up forms via a registration page.

After you have registered with a Market Research company you need to follow them up. Doing a follow up of Market Research companies reminds them both that you exist as a Commercial Entity and that you are keen to help them. The result of this is being in regular contact with one or many Market Research and third party companies which will pay your for their time, in order to help them prosper and flourish as a business model.

Market research helped me to keep busy in my evenings, with a schedule that allowed me to be paid money, without having to work a part time job which allowed me to get through my education throughout the day with little to no fuss.

Tomorrow, I will talk more about how to follow up with a Market Research Company and how to get into discussion groups whilst behaving and not drawing too much attention to yourself.

Until then,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Tuesday 24th of December 2013.

Part-Time Quick Cash-Flow Ideas Part 1

Part-Time Quick Cash-Flow Ideas – How to Increase your Active Income!


I’ll be blogging about ways to make extra-active income over the next few weeks.

Making an income is easy, having the mindset and attitude that you can make a part-time or full time income is hard. I should know. There have been numerous times in my life where I have been gainfully unemployed and have had to rely on the Australian domestic government for help and welfare.

Did I enjoy this process? Not really, because while I might hate receiving a benefit from the government which I feel I may or may not have rightfully earned, I never stopped working hard on myself and my mental attitude in order to get and receive better outcomes for myself and those around me in my life.

What I learned from working hard on myself and my mental attitude was a little secret and this little secret was… When you work harder on yourself, than you do on your job… Expect big and better things to happen.

Expect Big Things to Happen!!!

Expect big things to happen when you have a change of mental attitude, especially when it comes to finances and wealth. Expect big things to happen both for yourself and for those who are in your life, especially those who you  are currently leading as a leader. I got a lot of skills when I worked hard on myself and who I was while I was looking for a job and what I found was that working hard on improving yourself is what gets your through the demoralizing process of not being able to work and also in the unfortunate circumstance of not living up to others high expectations of you.

When you don’t have any money or two cents to rub next to your name, it’s hard enough to struggle and to survive, but it is also just as hard if not more so to handle others around you who see you as a social parasite or leach.

The type of “leach” who is working hard, very hard on themselves to make sure that they do not make the same mistake again which caused them to be unemployed in the first place.

It is my belief that each of us learn by our mistakes. We learn from our mistakes the way Thomas Edison learned from his, when he invented the light bulb and similar to the way a man or woman who invented the steel capped boot must have also learned from their mistakes when they kept hitting their feet often. When I did classical vocal training as a teenager so that I could be singer, I found that I had to learn from my mistakes and to calibrate my voice. I found often in order to become a better singer around others, I had to do things which were counter-intuitive to me, such as making what I thought was my voice sound less acoustic and more boring.

Yet, this counter-intuition or what I now call Calibration was what made me sing better and win awards at both my high school and independent competitions. I learned in a similar way, how to calibrate and do what was counter-intuitive to me throughout my experiences of being unemployed, or “between jobs” in my early 20’s and because of this, I also learned how to think quickly on my feet, and quite quickly at that.

There may be some people who, after reading this may, even after being dutifully employed for two years, building a part-time business and doing university part time still think that my efforts are the efforts of a “dole bludger” (Australian slang for welfare recipient…) But their attitude doesn’t bother me… I’ve learned and I have grown through my adversity and adverse circumstances and I have become a better human being because of them.

To put my attitude into perspective, prior to being unemployed I was over-employed. What this means was that from early-2007 until mid-2008 I was working 90 hour weeks when I was a 21 year old boy. At that time I was a sales representative for a pharmaceutical and health company while also having my own business, a joint Australian-Chinese software training company for middle managers.

This was a fun and fast-paced lifestyle for me and it gave me the mission, the money and the drive/desire to succeed that I needed. But… In June 2008 just two weeks after I was made redundant from my job, my business folded due to the 2008 financial crisis… It was at that point that I decided to start my degree in psychology, now ongoing and focus on quick and effective ways of making a part time income around what I was doing.

A part time income which would not slow me down, help me pay for my most basic needs and get me out of debt. When I learned that there were easy ways to make quick, effective part-time income, I also learned about how to increase my financial intelligence and this led me back into the workforce so that I could maximize my active income and start to look at other, more long-term passive income streams which would move me towards financial safety, financial independence and ultimately financial freedom.

Because of my development in how I learned to make some fast, quick and easy cash I will over the next few posts be focusing on how best to generate quick, effective and easy ways of creating a part time income, starting with my favorite – Market research and discussion groups. Until the next post on ways to create quick part-time cash flows,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Saturday 21st of December 2013.