Defining your Self-Image – Part Two – Walking in Order to Have Swag.

Defining your Self-Image – Part Two – Walking in Order to Have Swag.




Swag is the type of lifestyle I like to lead. I love to walk around and show off my figure my form. Perhaps not the way a woman or model of clothing would like to, still I love to walk around and have that certain special bounce in my step.

That special bounce

I love to have a bounce in my step, I like to walk around and say with my body to the world “hey I’m special” and what’s more, in my attitude towards the world I like to say with my body “hey, you’re special too”. I do this with the way I walk and the way I dress because I believe in game theory and I think that sociological, let alone academic social-psychological concepts can and do have real-world groundings. The same goes with applied ritual magick and this is why I dress up.

I dress up because I believe that dressing up has applied Ritual-Magickal value. I also believe through the concepts of NLP and sympathetic magick that the way I dress can influence the world around me. With the sociological concepts of Georg Simmel and Symbolic Interactionism and the applied use of agency. Through the applied use of agency I can and do modify the structure of my environment, my ecology and thus the sociological structure of the world around me.

I do not deny the sociopolitical and psychopolitics of dressing up as well. I am constantly studying, sometimes modelling world leaders and how they dress and act. These people, aside from their psychopathic tendencies also tend to have swag  – else other people have taught them this swag… Which I don’t doubt, considering the amount of political aids (‘Henry Kissinger’ for instance), NLP trainers, life coaches, astrologers and PR manages which surround them.

But… What is Swag exactly?

I define Swag as as a lifestyle. The way I would define the lifestyle of an ethical seducerer (Frank B. Kermit, cassanova), A homosexual or Jew living in a homosexual or Jewish community or say a Paleolithic/vegan dieter. Lifestyle and swag are intimate lovers and are exclusive in their socio-sexual approaches to the world.

Swag for me is a way of moving your physiology, training your Vestibular System and learning to move in a new, particularly novel way.

I learned to walk with swag a few years ago when I was in a Network Marketing group and where I had to learn sales in order to approach other people so that I could prospect them.

What I would do is that I would go out into crowds and have a particular bounce in my step, this bounce was:

Exercise 1 – Learn to skip and hop around… Get that bounce back in your step

What I would do was that I would learn to have a certain special hop or bounce in my step which enabled me to draw the attention away from others and place it in my court. I would, in effect imagine that I could be a dancer like Michael Jackson or Brian Boitano the ice skater.

This is called creating a frame or framing in NLP and I would create a frame that I was someone who was both used to attention of others and also that I could maintain this attention by being unique. Creating a bounce in your step is all about being unique and this is why I advise that as a true individual you need to be unique and socially educated, not just an academic.

Exercise 2 – Learn to walk and as you walk, learn to straighten up your walk

When I was doing the Advanced Master Practitioner (Or Graduate course) of NLP Part 1 I learned how to change my walk and my walking posture using NLP. What I would do in these activities was to learn how to walk around modelling different people and their walking styles, all the while I would learn how this modelling would change my posture and the feelings about who I was, what I now am and who I was becoming.

This combined with the use of timelines and timeline therapy was an excellent way to learn how to change my walk and ultimately to straighten it out. Once I learned how to straighten my walk, I would then go into an explicit non-verbal state of anchoring and this anchor would then lock this straight walk deeply into my physiology and body language.

Exercise 3 – Expressing Ecstatic Body Language

The seduction guru Ross Jeffries taught me this technique in his Psychic Influence tape recorded in the middle of the year 2000. In order to do this technique, what you have to do is focus your energy or chi in the center of your body and put your hands into a prayer Stance.

Then containing your energies you thrust and rapidly move out this energy by going “yah” or “YEAH” in a loud manner. This stretches your Aura out but also increases your vital energy.

A good series of products in order to help you get started on the art of swag is to look up and purchase the work of Jewish anatomist and movement specialist Moche Feldenkrais. The use of Feldenkrais has helped me to get into a deeper expression of ecstatic body language and has allowed me to better move and influence other people around me.

Talking about influencing people around me – The next post is on creating Circles of Excellence.

Until then,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty on Sunday the 11th of May 2014.