Nootropics – Piracetam and Choline Part 2…

Nootropics – Piracetam and Choline Part 2…

What I got after personally taking Piracetam and choline for 6 months.


Having taken Piraceam and Choline now for the last 6 months, what I have found is that the use of each has increased my memory. Before taking them, I was only able to focus on 4-5 objects or “things” in my working, short term and long term memory. Retrieving information from my memory was a struggle and I noticed that my ability to access and store my memories was somewhat challenging and hard.  I have found that even at my advanced age of 26 still having trouble at times remembering where I put the house or car keys…


But I have since found that my attention to detail has improved. Not just in the finer context of a social situation, but also in my ability to achieve some form of dynamic and systematic pattern recognition. For instance I can better see at times, when I am delivering mail as a postman – The wind blow and when it blows I see and hear the trees glisten, whistle and move around me, causing some leaves to fall down to the ground. As the leaves do so, I can see the multiple shades of color that they bring and watch how they move all together in a motion of a symphony…

Does that sound like I am high on Piracetam? Maybe, but if I’m high on Piracetam and Choline, then I’m also lucid at the same time with my increased ability to concentrate.


Let’s be honest here, as a writer who has overcome a major learning and social disability in his youth, by focusing on his development alongside Nootropics – I admit that it has not always been easy for me to concentrate, communicate and make levelheaded and accurate conclusions in both my writing and my socialisation. Yet with Piracetam and Choline my ability to be increasingly cognizant has been noticably increased both in myself and in others.

I will never go back to where I was before taking these supplements as a 26 year old man.

What I once found challenging, I find no more and no longer. I am now allowed to better cope with and mature in my mental and cognitive abilities. I have matured to the point that I will never go back to where I was before taking these supplements as a 26 year old man.

My intelligence too has increased on Piracetam. I am unsure if this intelligence increase is however, due to other nootropics and cognitive enhancers that I want to write more about soon – Such as Nicotine, Modafinl, B-Vitamins and Methylphenidate… Perhaps it is a combination of each, but I do know that I think a hell of a lot clearer, make faster decisions and and solve problems one hell of a lot easier after taking Piracetam than what I did before consuming it.

Piracetam and Choline has also led me to becoming more motivated!

This above combination, which I am sure I will attribute to the Piracetam and Choline has also led me to becoming more motivated. As I have said in other posts on creating quick and fast income – I have had businesses in the past, but have lost them due to the “controlled crashing” of the financial markets in 2008. Piracetam mixed with choline has made me more motivated, more alpha, more dominant… I feel that it is Piracetam and Choline which has allowed me to get back on my feet finally… That matters most to me!

Self doubts expressed…

But then again, could this all be placebo. Could it be just the Ritalin/Methylphenidate and the Modafinil which I take? Could Piracetam and similar Racetam-Choline admixtures be doing nothing? Who knows, but one thing I do know is that I am not the same person who started to take them 6 months ago… And even if I get a minor improvement, a minor edge on life, my intelligence and sense of well-being through this mixture – Then I will continue to take it!

I recommend you give it a go…

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Saturday 4th of December 2013.