Nootropics – Piracetam and Choline Part 1…

Nootropics – Piracetam and Choline Part 1…

How to upgrade your brain.


I’ve been taking two Nootropics and cognitive enhancers called Piracetam and Choline for over 6 months now and what I have noticed is a sizable change in my ability to remember and use my memory, pay attention to what is going on around me and in social conversations, to be able to concentrate on advanced tasks at work and also write, increase my intelligence and find new and novel ways to solve problems. Finally, if not most importantly – I have had my motivation for life and the events that life brings in the world around me… All of this from taking Piracetam and Choline

And I do find it curious, that I was going to write a book on cognitive enhances and Nootropics at the beginning of this year (2013) and that, prior to this blog… Events in life happened where I could not write or further publish my empirical findings and experiences on these Nootropics because of my Personal Development moving me into financial education, health and my development as a man in forming relationships.

Considering now that I am starting to work out the more complex and interesting areas of my life, I have allowed life to bring me back to writing on Nootropics in his blog and what I have found is that while I will still be releasing a book on cognitive enhancers and Nootropics – The only difference will be that most of the information in this book, will be a modified version of what is written down here in this blog and the articles it contains in an edited and condensed fashion.

Considering that this is the case, I felt it pertinent for disclosures sake that I admit here that I have no medical degree. What I write here is my own opinion on what Piracetam and Choline have done for me. I also realize that what may work for me may not work for you and this is why I advise that you talk with your medical practitioner, naturopath or similar professional and work out a plan for the administration of this drug if you wish to try it.

The pharmacology of Piracetam and Choline!!!

Piracetam is a drug that…
Choline is a drug that…

* Increases Memory
* Increases Attention
* Increases Concentration
* Increases Intelligence
* Increases Motivation

But what about the pharmacology of Piracetam and Choline – How do they work?

Because I’m lazy, I went to this Wikipedia ( page and I found the following:

“Piracetam (sold under many brand names) is a Nootropic in the racetams group… A two-week regimen of Piracetam was reported in 1976 to enhance verbal memory in healthy college students in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study… Piracetam appeared in animal studies to have increased communication between the two hemispheres of the brain and increased activity of the corpus callosum.”


“Piracetam increases performance on a variety of cognitive tasks… may reflect its enhancement of cross-hemispheric communication and of cognitive function in general, rather than a specific improvement … Piracetam also seems to inhibit brain damage caused by a variety of factors”

When looking into the effects of Choline, this Wikipedia article says the following:

“Choline is a water-soluble essential nutrient. It is usually grouped within the B-complex vitamins. Choline is the precursor molecule for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is involved in many functions including memory and muscle control.”


“Choline must be consumed through the diet for the body to remain healthy… Choline supplements are often taken as a form of ‘smart drug’ or Nootropic, due to the role the neurotransmitter acetylcholine plays in various cognition systems within the brain. Choline is a chemical precursor or “building block” needed to produce acetylcholine, and research suggests that memory, intelligence, and mood are mediated at least in part by acetylcholine metabolism in the brain.”

Having known now the basic pharmacology and benefits of both Piracetam and Choline, in the next post we will explore the personal benefits I have derived from taking both Nootropics on a constant base for just over 6 months.

Until then,

Count. Daniel John Fogarty @ on Monday 30th of December 2013.